Glatt Lab Summer Internships 2022

Glatt Lab offers the opportunity for undergrad and postgraduate students to perform a short-to-medium term internship in our facilities, where the new generation of researchers can learn a variety of new techniques and get skills that will favour all of their future endeavours in science! Some examples of such internships are this year summer stays by Lukas Lorenz and Claudia Wolnik.

Lukas is a student from Austria that actually found us through our webpage! He was interested in doing work in a place that would allow him to learn skills that are applicable for both the industry and in academia. His stay, from July to September of 2022, was under the supervision of a final-year PhD student, Keerthiraju Ravichandran, and one of our postdocs, Dominika Kwasna.

They guided him through the amazing world of molecular biology and taught him fundamental skills such as vector design, PCR programs and sequencing interpretation. His project consisted on cloning constructs that were associated with the Urmylation project in the lab.

Claudia is a student from Germany, who is pursuing her masters in biotechnology. In particular, she was interested in learning molecular biology techniques involving the basics of cloning, expression, and purification of proteins. She was guided by a second year PhD student, Priyanka Dahate.

During the two-month internship, she worked extensively on combining a multi-subunit complex called CRL4A/BDCAF using the renowned biGBac technology. Additionally, she also got a chance to get an overview about the Baculovirus Expression System and cryo-Electron Microscopy.

In addition to the knowledge, Lukas and Claudia made good friends and got to spend time in socializing with the delightful people from Glatt Lab!

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